
August 06, 2014

I Couldn't Ask For More

Thank you my Lord Jesus, for making me see another year and for the gift of life. Thank you for all the people who remembered me today my friends, relatives, and love ones by sending greetings, messages and good wishes. Thank you for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you. Thank you for the times of joy and sunshiny days, for the sad and cloudy ones; for the calm afternoons and the dark nights; for the love and for all beautiful and sweet things; for the loneliness, for the worries, for the fears, for the difficulties and the tears; and for everything that brought me closer to You. Forgive me for the hours I wasted, for the chances I failed to take and for the opportunities I missed this past year. Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring GLORY TO YOU, happiness and pride to my friends and loved ones, and joy to me. 

Thanks to all my friends and loved ones; who are always there for me, understand me and remain with me. Thank you so much for making my day with your adorable wishes. You are truly amazing; there is nothing good like being remembered on ones' big day. Each wish really meant a lot to me and absolutely made my day; it will keep me strong and passionate and courageous. Thank you to those who have motivated me and pushed me to greater heights. All of You have been a source of inspiration to me in one way or the other. Thanks to all the people who have helped me build my personality, I am what I am because of you. Thank You for making me feel absolutely loved and important! I'm not the measure of what I have done but more of who I am and those who I have surrounded myself with, which you are all.

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