Leading, training and bringing out the best in people through motivation is my passion. Being a makeup artist, stylist and art directing on shoots are my favorite hobbies and it's also a venue where I could enhance my creativity. Sales, marketing, and events are my specialty. I enjoy learning and believes that in order to improve one's self growth is paramount. I already achieved my Masters Degree in Business Administration and my fulfillment would be to attain a PhD degree and become a successful entrepreneur while touching people's lives one individual at a time.

May 17, 2011

A Milestone In My Life

Indeed, I have traveled far, been through hell and back, faced road block after road block, been on a six-months roller coaster ride(figuratively), a ride which I thought I might not have the strength to get out of... but God is faithful. After all the struggles, sacrifices, sleepless nights and heartaches...  I passed my thesis defense.  I now have my MBA (Masters of Business Administration) degree.

My defense was held last May 13, 2011 which is Friday the 13th most people perceives it as bad luck, but to me it was the date that will conclude my future and that day turned out to be a blessing to me.

I dedicate my achievement to the following:
  • My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who gives me the desires of my heart always. He kept me together and gave me the strength to push on. 
  • My mom and my brothers for their love and support.
  • My Dad who always believed in me and what I aspire to be 
  • Kathie Sobremonte CPA who willingly helped me with my financial projections. 
  • Lesley Yu, MBA my Strama buddy we were each other's cheerer
  • Jonathan Roque for my industry data  
  • Jay Bautista (AGB Nielsen President) who willingly answered all my query
  • Edgar Juan Surtida III, MBA my thesis professor who pushed me to be better by practicing critical thinking 
  • My former officemates who never hesitated to assist me with regards to the data I needed for my paper and lastly, 
  • All my friends who constantly believes in me and never failed to support and comfort me.
A milestone in my life that I will never forget.

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." - 2 Timothy 4:7

To those I mentioned above, THANK YOU from the bottom of my I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for all of you.

- Karen Celeca P. Florentino MBA -

1 comment:

  1. Advancing one’s studies can really be treated as a milestone. So, what topic did you chose for your thesis? I think it would be a good idea to post a thesis abstract example for us to see. Better yet, why not the whole paper if you don’t mind. Anyway, I know it might be soooooooo late, but congratulation, teh’!
