Leading, training and bringing out the best in people through motivation is my passion. Being a makeup artist, stylist and art directing on shoots are my favorite hobbies and it's also a venue where I could enhance my creativity. Sales, marketing, and events are my specialty. I enjoy learning and believes that in order to improve one's self growth is paramount. I already achieved my Masters Degree in Business Administration and my fulfillment would be to attain a PhD degree and become a successful entrepreneur while touching people's lives one individual at a time.

August 06, 2014

I Couldn't Ask For More

Thank you my Lord Jesus, for making me see another year and for the gift of life. Thank you for all the people who remembered me today my friends, relatives, and love ones by sending greetings, messages and good wishes. Thank you for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you. Thank you for the times of joy and sunshiny days, for the sad and cloudy ones; for the calm afternoons and the dark nights; for the love and for all beautiful and sweet things; for the loneliness, for the worries, for the fears, for the difficulties and the tears; and for everything that brought me closer to You. Forgive me for the hours I wasted, for the chances I failed to take and for the opportunities I missed this past year. Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring GLORY TO YOU, happiness and pride to my friends and loved ones, and joy to me. 

Thanks to all my friends and loved ones; who are always there for me, understand me and remain with me. Thank you so much for making my day with your adorable wishes. You are truly amazing; there is nothing good like being remembered on ones' big day. Each wish really meant a lot to me and absolutely made my day; it will keep me strong and passionate and courageous. Thank you to those who have motivated me and pushed me to greater heights. All of You have been a source of inspiration to me in one way or the other. Thanks to all the people who have helped me build my personality, I am what I am because of you. Thank You for making me feel absolutely loved and important! I'm not the measure of what I have done but more of who I am and those who I have surrounded myself with, which you are all.

August 02, 2014

How Forgiving My Ex Boyfriend Liberated Me

As the third quarter of this year draws to a close at long last I came to terms with being civil (if not close friends) with Aris. We broke up three years ago for the reason being that he lied to me. For two years, he tried reaching out to me but to no avail. At the time I was cross with him  and just couldn't bring myself to accept his apology and bestow my forgiveness. In my head I thought how can I easily give my forgiveness towards someone who has caused me pain and deceived me through his web of lies.  Him and I never had closure since I just stopped talking to him while there were things still left unsaid.

Fastforward to this year, for some apparent reason I took the initiative to speak with him again. In the beginning it was  awkward on my part because he was still wooing me, trying his luck with me again. After days of back and forth texting and facebook messaging, something amazing happened...

For the first time in a long time I was able to tell him everything that I have been harboring for years. I told him why I kept my distance, what I felt when he broke my heart and after airing all the spiteful feelings that he caused me I finally gave him my forgiveness.

And as soon as I said that a sudden calmness envelopes me and stilled my heart, it was liberating. It was like a certain weight just got lifted off my back. The hatred that was weighing me down vanished in an instant, like it was taken away from me. It takes God's grace, maturitiy and a whole lot of time to get to the point where I could get to terms with what happened and say I was okay with it. That even if I have moved on from him already, I still need to make a choice to forgive him and show compassion.

For it is better to be compasstionate than to be bitter your whole life.


August 01, 2014

Who He Is To Me

Since it's Mark Lee's birthday tomorrow (August 2), I will take this opportunity to share to everyone how he has touched my life. I've known him since 2008 back when he used to wear hawaiian shirts to school. As a person, Mark is optimistic, honest, decisive, committed, kind-hearted and a giver, he would graciously organize outreach program that is why when he became student council President in Ateneo Graduate School of Business from (2010-2011) we, his friends knew he was right where he should be. 

As a brother and son, Mark is responsible and respectful to his family. As a friend, he is the glue that brings our group together, aside from consistent hangouts on weekends, he makes it a point that the group is complete during special occasions. 

Mark is loyal, trustworthy, dependable and reliable. He is someone I can tell my deepest secrets to, struggles, insecurities without judgement and hesitation, he is always there. He is the person that if I get into trouble, I know I could call him any time of the day because he never cease to lend a helping hand. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chief! Thank you for being a blessing to me and I pray for long life for you so you can touch more lives and make a difference to others as you have made in mine. Love you!