Leading, training and bringing out the best in people through motivation is my passion. Being a makeup artist, stylist and art directing on shoots are my favorite hobbies and it's also a venue where I could enhance my creativity. Sales, marketing, and events are my specialty. I enjoy learning and believes that in order to improve one's self growth is paramount. I already achieved my Masters Degree in Business Administration and my fulfillment would be to attain a PhD degree and become a successful entrepreneur while touching people's lives one individual at a time.

August 01, 2014

Who He Is To Me

Since it's Mark Lee's birthday tomorrow (August 2), I will take this opportunity to share to everyone how he has touched my life. I've known him since 2008 back when he used to wear hawaiian shirts to school. As a person, Mark is optimistic, honest, decisive, committed, kind-hearted and a giver, he would graciously organize outreach program that is why when he became student council President in Ateneo Graduate School of Business from (2010-2011) we, his friends knew he was right where he should be. 

As a brother and son, Mark is responsible and respectful to his family. As a friend, he is the glue that brings our group together, aside from consistent hangouts on weekends, he makes it a point that the group is complete during special occasions. 

Mark is loyal, trustworthy, dependable and reliable. He is someone I can tell my deepest secrets to, struggles, insecurities without judgement and hesitation, he is always there. He is the person that if I get into trouble, I know I could call him any time of the day because he never cease to lend a helping hand. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chief! Thank you for being a blessing to me and I pray for long life for you so you can touch more lives and make a difference to others as you have made in mine. Love you! 

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